Monday, February 5, 2007

Wayfaring Across the Universe

Library Learning lesson #24 had me explore one of the many applications nominated for the Web 2.0 awards presented by SEOmoz. I chose, the winner in the mapping category. It is much like any one of the million mapping sites out there, but with nice route creation and tagging features. It makes the experience more interactive... in a Web 2.0 way. Go figure.

As an exercise, I mapped out my daily commute to the library, with visual tags for my house, the library, and the Capitol building- all built with simple mouse clicks on a map. The distance of the route was calculated as I clicked (7.61 miles, if you're curious), and the resulting map saved under my profile, able to be shared with other users. I'm not sure why they'd want to see it, but it's available if I wish to share. I might use this tool to show the route of our family trip to Montana last year (complete with tagged highlights) for my extended family to view. Won't they be thrilled? Come on, it's better than sitting around with a photo album.


Robin said...

And what would be really exciting is if you could link those points on the map to your tagged photos on Flickr that correspond with them. Oh, the mashups that could be made with just a few little links between these 2.0 sites!!

Tish's blog said...

I personally think it would be a cool addition to vacation info, complete with scrapbooking for pictures and maybe postcards of the sites you visited on your way across. Definitely better than an old fashioned slide show, but all projectible through a laptop. Great idea, huh?