Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A New Generation

I get to play this week. Good thing, because I was starting to become a dull boy. There are a slew (I know, because I looked up the word) of image and text generators available online, and I'm visiting many of them, creating odd artwork and text for web pages, blogs and such. There are approximately a billion sites, so I have my work cut out for me. By the time I'm finished, my sites and blog pages could look like a night on the Vegas Strip. Here's what I found...
One of the larger sites of image generators I discovered was at http://www.customsigngenerator.com. Everything from warning signs to fake book covers are linked to here, for users to edit. Not finding anything that interests you? Well, then, you might rather choose to upload a photo and create a text image out of it (using just the numbers 1 and 0) at http://www.text-image.com/ (I feel like such a shill). I enjoy this more than most the sign generators I played with.
Last but not least, I earned Library Learning 2.0 frequent flier miles by...
a) noticing a link within the news from Library Thing, which was possible due to...
b) having set up a Bloglines newsreader account, and read it diligently (stop laughing). I then...
c) linked to a nifty generator which creates animated .GIFs that look like those equally-nifty scrolling LED signs. Finally...
d) I typed the universal phrase Eat At Joe's into the generator, and pasted the results into the top of my blog page.
The magic link I found? It's http://wigflip.com/signbot/


Bobbi Newman said...

wow! I think you get extra credit for that!

Nice Guy said...

Image generators rock!